handle.rsuse std::ops;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::format_err;
use fedimint_core::runtime;
use fedimint_core::util::FmtCompactAnyhow as _;
use fedimint_logging::LOG_CLIENT;
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
use tokio::runtime::{Handle as RuntimeHandle, RuntimeFlavor};
use tracing::{debug, error, trace, warn};
use super::Client;
use crate::ClientBuilder;
pub struct ClientHandle {
inner: Option<Arc<Client>>,
pub type ClientHandleArc = Arc<ClientHandle>;
impl ClientHandle {
pub(crate) fn new(inner: Arc<Client>) -> Self {
ClientHandle {
inner: inner.into(),
pub(crate) fn as_inner(&self) -> &Arc<Client> {
self.inner.as_ref().expect("Inner always set")
pub fn start_executor(&self) {
pub async fn shutdown(mut self) {
async fn shutdown_inner(&mut self) {
let Some(inner) = self.inner.take() else {
target: LOG_CLIENT,
"ClientHandleShared::shutdown called twice"
let db = inner.db.clone();
debug!(target: LOG_CLIENT, "Waiting for client task group to shut down");
if let Err(err) = inner
warn!(target: LOG_CLIENT, err = %err.fmt_compact_anyhow(), "Error waiting for client task group to shut down");
let client_strong_count = Arc::strong_count(&inner);
debug!(target: LOG_CLIENT, "Dropping last handle to Client");
if client_strong_count != 1 {
debug!(target: LOG_CLIENT, count = client_strong_count - 1, LOG_CLIENT, "External Client references remaining after last handle dropped");
let db_strong_count = db.strong_count();
if db_strong_count != 1 {
debug!(target: LOG_CLIENT, count = db_strong_count - 1, "External DB references remaining after last handle dropped");
trace!(target: LOG_CLIENT, "Dropped last handle to Client");
pub async fn restart(self) -> anyhow::Result<ClientHandle> {
let (builder, config, api_secret, root_secret) = {
let client = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Already stopped"))?;
let builder = ClientBuilder::from_existing(client);
let config = client.config().await;
let api_secret = client.api_secret.clone();
let root_secret = client.root_secret.clone();
(builder, config, api_secret, root_secret)
builder.build(root_secret, config, api_secret, false).await
impl ops::Deref for ClientHandle {
type Target = Client;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
self.inner.as_ref().expect("Must have inner client set")
impl Drop for ClientHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.inner.is_none() {
#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
let can_block = false;
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
let can_block = RuntimeHandle::current().runtime_flavor() != RuntimeFlavor::CurrentThread;
if !can_block {
let inner = self.inner.take().expect("Must have inner client set");
if cfg!(target_family = "wasm") {
error!(target: LOG_CLIENT, "Automatic client shutdown is not possible on wasm, call ClientHandle::shutdown manually.");
} else {
error!(target: LOG_CLIENT, "Automatic client shutdown is not possible on current thread runtime, call ClientHandle::shutdown manually.");
debug!(target: LOG_CLIENT, "Shutting down the Client on last handle drop");
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
runtime::block_in_place(|| {