wallet-recovery-test.rsuse anyhow::bail;
use devimint::cmd;
use devimint::util::{FedimintCli, FedimintdCmd};
use devimint::version_constants::{VERSION_0_4_0, VERSION_0_6_0_ALPHA};
use fedimint_core::util::{backoff_util, retry};
use futures::try_join;
use tracing::info;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
devimint::run_devfed_test(|dev_fed, _process_mgr| async move {
let fedimint_cli_version = FedimintCli::version_or_default().await;
let fedimintd_version = FedimintdCmd::version_or_default().await;
if fedimint_cli_version < *VERSION_0_4_0 || fedimintd_version < *VERSION_0_4_0 {
info!("Skipping whole test on old fedimint-cli/fedimintd that is missing some irrelevant bolts");
return Ok(());
let (fed, _bitcoind) = try_join!(dev_fed.fed(), dev_fed.bitcoind())?;
let peg_in_amount_sats = 100_000;
let client_slow = fed
info!("Join and claim");
fed.pegin_client(peg_in_amount_sats, &client_slow).await?;
let client_slow_pegin_session_count = client_slow.get_session_count().await?;
info!("### Test wallet restore without a backup");
let client = fed
info!("Join, but not claim");
let operation_id = fed
.pegin_client_no_wait(peg_in_amount_sats, &client)
info!("Restore without backup");
let restored = client
.new_restored("restored-without-backup", fed.invite_code()?)
if fedimint_cli_version < *VERSION_0_6_0_ALPHA {
cmd!(restored, "module", "wallet", "await-deposit", operation_id)
} else {
cmd!(restored, "module", "wallet", "await-deposit", "--operation-id", operation_id)
info!("Check if claimed");
assert_eq!(peg_in_amount_sats * 1000, restored.balance().await?);
info!("### Test wallet restore with a backup");
let client = fed
assert_eq!(0, client.balance().await?);
info!("Join and claim");
fed.pegin_client(peg_in_amount_sats, &client).await?;
info!("Make a backup");
cmd!(client, "backup").run().await?;
info!("Join more, but not claim");
let operation_id = fed
.pegin_client_no_wait(peg_in_amount_sats, &client)
info!("Restore with backup");
let restored = client
.new_restored("restored-with-backup", fed.invite_code()?)
if fedimint_cli_version < *VERSION_0_6_0_ALPHA {
cmd!(restored, "module", "wallet", "await-deposit", operation_id)
} else {
cmd!(restored, "module", "wallet", "await-deposit", "--operation-id", operation_id)
info!("Check if claimed");
assert_eq!(peg_in_amount_sats * 1000 * 2, restored.balance().await?);
info!("### Test wallet restore with a history and no backup");
let client = client_slow;
retry("wait for next session", backoff_util::aggressive_backoff(), || async {
if client_slow_pegin_session_count < client.get_session_count().await? {
return Ok(());
bail!("Session didn't close")
.expect("timeouted waiting for session to close");
let operation_id = fed
.pegin_client_no_wait(peg_in_amount_sats, &client)
info!("Client slow: Restore without backup");
let restored = client
.new_restored("client-slow-restored-without-backup", fed.invite_code()?)
if fedimint_cli_version < *VERSION_0_6_0_ALPHA {
cmd!(restored, "module", "wallet", "await-deposit", operation_id)
} else {
cmd!(restored, "module", "wallet", "await-deposit", "--operation-id", operation_id)
info!("Client slow: Check if claimed");
assert_eq!(peg_in_amount_sats * 1000 * 2, restored.balance().await?);