
Module architecture

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§Fedimint Architecture

Fedimint is a general framework for building federated financial applications.

The current implementation allows users to make private and low-cost payments through a federated blinded mint that issues e-cash. All e-cash is backed by bitcoin with deposits and withdrawals that can occur on-chain or via Lightning.

§Crate organization

The Fedimint federation consists of nodes that are primarily built from the following crates:

  • fedimint - the main consensus code for processing transactions and REST API
  • fedimint-derive - helper macros for serialization
  • crypto/tbs - helper cryptography library for threshold blind signatures

Modules can be added to the FedimintConsensus to allow for new types of transactions and federated actions:

  • modules/fedimint-wallet - an on-chain bitcoin wallet

  • modules/fedimint-mint - a blinded mint that issues e-cash

  • modules/fedimint-ln - a Lightning payment service

  • fedimint-core - common code used by both client and server

The user client:

  • fedimint-client - provides a library for sending transactions to the federation
  • fedimint-cli - cli wrapper around the client library

The LN gateway:

  • gateway/ln-gateway - allows a Lightning node operator to receive or pay Lightning invoices on behalf of users
  • gateway/cli - provides cli access and control of a running gatewayd instance

§Federation Nodes

Each of the nodes spawns three long-running tasks in parallel: an API task, an AlephBFT protocol task, and a Fedimint consensus task.

The API task in net:api:run_server allows clients to submit a Transaction and retrieve its TransactionStatus. Transactions are validated by the FedimintConsensus logic before being stored as proposals in the database. The proposed list of ConsensusItems includes all possible consensus state changes, such as mint transactions or updates to the agreed-upon block height.

The AlephBFT protocol task handles communication between federation nodes, combining different ConsensusItem proposals from each node into an identical ConsensusOutcome during an epoch. So long as enough nodes can communicate, epochs will be continually generated, and every node will share the same sequence of ConsensusOutcome data.

The FedimintConsensus task processes each ConsensusOutcome by validating the proposals, updating the database, and performing any necessary actions. For instance, the consensus thread may receive a peg-out proposal, validate the PSBT signature and transaction balances, then sign and submit the transaction to the Bitcoin network.


There currently are three FederationModules used in FedimintConsensus that exist in the crates previously described:

  • Wallet module - handles bitcoin on-chain PegInProof inputs and PegOut outputs
  • Mint module - verifies Note input signatures and issues BlindNote outputs of different denominations
  • LightningModule - creates ContractInput inputs and ContractOrOfferOutput outputs representing a payment sent or received by a gateway on behalf of a user

Any module can contribute inputs and outputs in the same Transaction. For instance, if users wish to convert on-chain bitcoin to Fedimint notes they can create a transaction with PegInProof inputs from modules/fedimint-wallet and BlindNote outputs from modules/fedimint-mint.

In the future other modules can be added, for instance to enable smart contracts or even a federated marketplace. Existing ConsensusItem representations are documented in the database schema.

A diagram of the module transaction processing:

Control and data flow in Fedimint

§User Client

The UserClient communicates with federation members via an asynchronous REST API. Clients are expected to communicate with as many members as necessary to overcome malicious federation nodes. Requests are delegated to an underlying LnClient, MintClient, or WalletClient depending on what FederationModule the client needs to perform an action.

A submitted Transaction often requires multiple epochs to become spendable, usually because they require signatures from a quorum of federation members. Clients query for the TransactionStatus by unique OutPoint that includes the TransactionId.

After enough epochs have passed, the TransactionStatus resolves either to an Error message or the OutputOutcome indicating how the inputs were spent and possibly returning data to the user such as blind-signed notes.

§LN Gateway

The LnGateway communicates with a local Lightning node in order to provide an API that can pay invoices. The gateway uses a GatewayClient to communicate with the federation, which delegates to the same underlying LnClient or MintClient used by the UserClient.

When a user submits a pay invoice request, the gateway uses the GatewayClient to confirm the user has locked funds into a valid ContractAccount. The gateway then pays the LN invoice and provides the preimage to the federation as proof the payment succeeded, at which point the federation will release the funds to the gateway.

Read more about the lightning gateway