
Module db

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Database keys used by the client





  • apply_migrations_client iterates from the on disk database version for the client module up to target_db_version and executes all of the migrations that exist in the migrations map, including state machine migrations. Each migration in the migrations map updates the database to have the correct on-disk data structures that the code is expecting. The entire process is atomic, (i.e migration from 0->1 and 1->2 happen atomically). This function is called before the module is initialized and as long as the correct migrations are supplied in the migrations map, the module will be able to read and write from the database successfully.
  • Reads all active states from the database and returns Vec<DynState>. TODO: It is unfortunate that we can’t read states by the module’s instance id so we are forced to return all active states. Once we do a db migration to add module_instance_id to ActiveStateKey, this can be improved to only read the module’s relevant states.
  • Reads all inactive states from the database and returns Vec<DynState>. TODO: It is unfortunate that we can’t read states by the module’s instance id so we are forced to return all inactive states. Once we do a db migration to add module_instance_id to InactiveStateKey, this can be improved to only read the module’s relevant states.
  • Migrates a particular state by looping over all active and inactive states. If the migrate closure returns None, this state was not migrated and should be added to the new state machine vectors.
  • Persists new active states by first removing all current active states, and re-writing with the new set of active states. new_active_states is expected to contain all active states, not just the newly created states.
  • Persists new inactive states by first removing all current inactive states, and re-writing with the new set of inactive states. new_inactive_states is expected to contain all inactive states, not just the newly created states.

Type Aliases§

  • ClientMigrationFn is a function that modules can implement to “migrate” the database to the next database version.
  • Helper function definition for migrating a single state.